[DangaBay] LAE Meridian Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is based on creating conditions to open the meridian lines and let energy flow. By stressing or compressing our connective tissues, we are also stressing our organs, and in turn releasing any blockages in our meridians. As most yin yoga poses affect the lower body, then we mainly stimulate the Stomach/Spleen, Liver/Gallbladder, and Kidney/ Bladder meridians.

[DabgaBay] LAE Meridian Yin Yoga

阴瑜伽的基础是创造条件,打通经络,让能量流动。 通过对我们的结缔组织施加压力或压缩,我们也在给我们的器官施加压力,从而释放经络中的任何堵塞。 由于大多数阴瑜伽姿势都会影响下半身,所以我们主要刺激胃/脾经、肝/胆经和肾/膀胱经。

 - EZON LAE Healthtech Danga Bay
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[DangaBay] LAE Meridian Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is based on creating conditions to open the meridian lines and let energy flow. By stressing or compressing our connective tissues, we are also stressing our organs, and in turn releasing any blockages in our meridians. As most yin yoga poses affect the lower body, then we mainly stimulate the Stomach/Spleen, Liver/Gallbladder, and Kidney/ Bladder meridians.