LAE Gentle Yoga

What is gentle yoga? Gentle yoga is essentially what it sounds like—a gentler style of hatha yoga practice. It is performed at a slower pace, with less intense positions, and usually includes extended time for meditation, yogic breath work, and relaxation. A gentle class usually includes more warm up movements and the yoga postures are often held for longer times. Modifications are done to help people of all fitness levels enjoy the benefits of yoga without putting themselves at risk for injuries. There is a stronger emphasis on stretching, seated poses and low-impact movements in these classes.

LAE 光能温和瑜伽

温和的瑜伽本质上就是它听起来的样子——一种更温和的哈他瑜伽练习方式。 它以较慢的速度进行,姿势不那么激烈,通常包括延长冥想、瑜伽呼吸工作和放松的时间。 温和的课程通常包括更多的热身动作,并且瑜伽姿势通常保持更长时间。 进行了修改以帮助所有健身水平的人享受瑜伽的好处,而不会让自己面临受伤的风险。 在这些课程中,更加强调伸展、坐姿和低冲击动作。


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LAE Gentle Yoga

What is gentle yoga? Gentle yoga is essentially what it sounds like—a gentler style of hatha yoga practice. It is performed at a slower pace, with less intense positions, and usually includes extended time for meditation, yogic breath work, and relaxation. A gentle class usually includes more warm up movements and the yoga postures are often held for longer times. Modifications are done to help people of all fitness levels enjoy the benefits of yoga without putting themselves at risk for injuries. There is a stronger emphasis on stretching, seated poses and low-impact movements in these classes.